We are pressure washing tire marks from concrete caused by a heavy skid steer. The skid was used in a demolition project at this building and left tire marks on the concrete after the demolition was done. We were called in to remove the tire marks.
Applying The Cleaner
The cleaning solution we used for pressure washing tire marks from concrete was SH, Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) Mixed with Spartan Tough On Grease Cleaner/Degreaser. It removes animal fat and petroleum-based greases. We mixed 3 oz of Sparten cleaner to 16oz of SH in a 2 gal pump sprayer and then filled the rest with water. The mixture was then applied to the surface using the pump sprayer. As you see in the video the solution started to clean on contact. We applied the cleaner evenly over the rubber tire marks and let it dwell for 10 minutes before pressure washing the surface.
Pressure Washing The Surface
After cleaning the concrete steps with a wand, a surface cleaner was used to clean the rubber tire marks from the concrete.The surface cleaner was used because it cleans evenly and is faster than using a wand, when cleaning flat surfaces. The GP Surface Cleaners do not come with casters but they can be added for better mobility. When using a surface cleaner we always start cleaning at the highest point so that dirt and water runs away from the surface that is being cleaned. After cleaning the perimeter of the concrete with the surface cleaner we then use it to clean the inside area. We repeat this process until all the concrete is cleaned. After the concrete is cleaned we rinsed it using just a ball valve.
Pressure Washing Tire Marks From Concrete Video
Tools Used
TR Industrial Measuring Wheel
Honda 4000 Psi Pressure Washer
20” GP Hammer Head Surface Cleaner
Pressure Washing Hose
3 ft Lance
Ball Valve
Solo 2 gal Pump Sprayer
Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach)
Spartan Tough On Grease Cleaner/Degreaser